Il mio Journal, Pagina 27, 24 Novembre 2022 – Una cucina eccezionale che merita un viaggio speciale – Grand Maison Tokyo

In questa serie Jdrama, seguiamo le avventure dell'arrogante ma estremamente talentuoso Obana Natsuki, un'influente capo chef di cucina francese ossessionato dal suo obiettivo di ottenere tre stelle Michelin. Tre anni prima degli eventi narrati nella serie, un disastroso incidente diplomatico distrugge la sua carriera. Per questo motivo, gli è comprensibilmente impossibile trovare lavoro in qualsiasi ristorante, essendo ormai simpaticamente soprannominato la "vergogna del Giappone". Mentre cerca di farsi assumere in un rinomato ristorante di Parigi, incontra un'altra chef, Hayami Rinko. Obana decide di aiutare Hayami e se stesso a trovare un lavoro aprendo con lei un ristorante in Giappone, peccato che nessuno voglia avere a che fare con loro, per 11 episodi di fi... No, non finisce così, per fortuna.

My Journal, Page 27, 24 November 2022 – Exceptional Cuisine that is Worth a Special Journey – Grand Maison Tokyo

In this Jdrama series, we follow the adventures of the arrogant but extremely talented Obana Natsuki, an influential French Cuisine head chef obsessed with obtaining a three Michelin stars award. Three years before the events portrayed in the show, a disastrous diplomatic incident destroys his career. Due to this, it’s now understandably impossible for him to get employed in any restaurant, as he’s now nicely dubbed the "Shame of Japan”. While trying to get employed at a renowned restaurant in Paris, he meets another chef, Hayami Rinko. Obana decides to help Hayami and himself to find a job by opening a restaurant in Japan with her, too bad no one wants to have anything to do with them, for 11 episodes strai- nah, that’s not how it ends, luckily.

My Journal, Page 15, 1 September 2022 – Happy Happy Happy with “Cooking Idol! I! My! Mine! – Game De Hirameki! Kirameki! Cooking”

This game, which has a needlessly long title that I keep forgetting and thus having to look it up, is a visual novel with cooking and rhythm elements for Nintendo DS, based on an anime called "Cookin' Idol Ai! Mai! Main!", which is supposed to teach kids how to cook. I started it thinking it was Cooking Mama with kawaii anime graphics, and now I can't stop singing Ai Mai Main! Remember kids, always double-check your games before playing them!

Nobunaga No Chef – Review

By Blisscast | May 22nd 2021 | Anime & J-Drama Today I bring you another j-drama review! This time it’s about Nobunaga No Chef, which came out in Japan in 2013. I found out about it because I knew the actor who plays Oda Nobunaga, Oikawa Mitsuhiro, and I was looking through his filmography, when... Continue Reading →

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